The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

In 2008,I made an endowment to the Department of Education at State that entitled me membership into the Mount Nittany Society. Almost immediately, I had a phone call from David Monk, Dean of the College of Education thanking me for my gift. During our conversation, he said he had a folder with some information about me. He added that he noticed at retirement I had been principal of Centereach High School. He then asked if I had ever worked in any other school district on Long Island, NY. "Yes," I said, "I worked at Westbury High School for ten years and for the Half Hollow Hills School District for 15 years." "What years were you in Westbury," he asked. When I told him, he responded, "That's impossible." Suddenly it dawned on me that I had taught in the English department with Dean Monk's father, but my last name was "Angstadt" at that time. When I told the Dean, he literally almost dropped the phone. He was a child during those years and remembered me as the woman who was the yearbook adviser. [That experience earned me a place in Who's Who Of American Women, as the yearbook was a prize winner.] We continued our conversation and at its conclusion, Dean Monk commented that he wanted to meet me. In June, 2008, he flew to New Bern, NC, stayed overnight at an historic Bread and Breakfast, and flew back to the campus the next day. We have been in contact since then.